Port Hope Fair
We celebrate 1831 as the founding date for the Port Hope & District Agricultural Society. Farmers in Hope Township were interested in forming an Agricultural Society. The records show that the first steps for establishing an Agricultural Society were taken in November 1830, by the issue of a subscription list circulated among those desirous of becoming members and a meeting was held at Bletcher’s Inn, at what is now Dale Corners, in December of 1830. A constitution was drawn up and the Port Hope Agricultural Society became a reality on the 20th of January 1831. The Secretary was authorized to import purebred cattle in 1832. Durham and other breeds were introduced and sold at cost to the members. By 1834, the Society began to import good seed wheat.
Early fairs were similar to farmers’ markets where one could sell produce rather than just exhibit if. Such fairs often were spread over many days – the first day for exhibition of stock and giving of premiums, the second day included a sale of horses, the third day a sale of horned cattle and the fourth day a sale of domestic manufacturers. Shorter fairs were sometimes held in the spring, and in some years a local fair would be replaced with a larger regional event.
The population of Upper Canada as recorded in the 1831 census was 237,000 and that of the Township of Hope (including the village of Port Hope) was 1591. Port Hope’s newspaper was the Telegraph and the Cobourg Star was founded in 1831. The first breeding herds of Herefords were brought to Canada in 1831. They were smaller than today’s animals, averaging 45-50” in height.
Come and explore the Agricultural Fair, browse the exhibits and displays, take in the demonstrations, competitions, petting farm, midway, shows, and entertainment and enjoy a relaxing, educational and entertaining day!
Contact Information
905-396-FAIR (3247)
PO Box 283 Port Hope Ontario, L1A 3W4
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