Board Members

The Port Hope & District Agricultural Society is a not for profit organization incorporated under the Ontario Agricultural and Horticultural Act.  The organization is a Canadian Registered Charity and a member of the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies, AgScape Ontario and Festival and Events Ontario.  Governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, regular monthly meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at the Town Park Recreation Centre beginning at 7:30pm. The Annual General Meeting is held the third Wednesday in January of each year. The fiscal year end is the thirtieth of November.

Board of Directors – 2022

Port Hope & District Agricultural Society

President Jocelyn HarnessPort Hope905-269-8967
Past – PresidentConnie MartinellCampbellcroft905-797-2088
1st Vice PresidentMike StaceyPort Hope905-207-5599
2nd Vice President
Sec – Treasurer Jenn LansleyGrafton905-396-FAIR (3247)
Property/Site Mgr
Linda Armstrong289-829-0343
Diana Barrett905-342-2620
Dwayne Boughen905-885-4932
Brenda Cunningham905-837-2504
John Goheen905-885-8261
Erika Hamm289-600-4185
Jeff Lees289-251-1807
Amanda Osland780-573-5907
Stephen Portengen289-251-4078
Christy Thomas905-396-4827
Sarah Wickman905-375-3346
Associate Directors
Kevin AndradeJeff CunninghamPat McClean
Gerry AtkinsonMarilyn CursonAlan McCracken
Dan BakerJenn DawsonDon McNeil
Graydon BowmanCory ElliottJennie McNeil
Jen BurnhamDavid KelloggJulia Atkins McParlan
Paul BurnhamNatalie KelloggGerald McParlan
Allan CarruthersHailey LansleyLynda Peacock
Davandra CribbieDan LovshinFred Sharp
Meghan CrowleyBrittany MarkovskiDustin Taylor


Philip Lawrence, M.P. Northumberland-Peterborough South,
David Piccini, M.P.P. Northumberland – Peterborough South
Bob Sanderson, Mayor of the Municipality of Port Hope,
Bill Cane, Mayor of Hamilton Township


Lois Anderson, Bruce Buttar, Marilyn Curson, Cameron Davidson, John Goheen,
Jim Hamilton, Greta Holmes, Elaine Lake, Connie Martinell, Kerry McDonald, Gary Meadows, Doreen McHolm,
Cathie Neundorff, Pat Nicol, Jay Sherwin and Joan Tooke